Adatvédelmi tájékoztatás

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Eladó lakás Budapest

1078 Budapest, VII. kerület , István út

40 M Ft

1 111 111 Ft /m2

  • Lakóterület:

    36 m2

  • Szobák száma:


Eladó lakás Budapest
1 / 8
  • Eladó lakás Budapest
  • Eladó lakás Budapest
  • Eladó lakás Budapest
  • Eladó lakás Budapest
  • Eladó lakás Budapest
  • Eladó lakás Budapest
  • Eladó lakás Budapest
  • Eladó lakás Budapest
Közvetítői azonosító: H488479-4700106
Azonosító: 604652


  • tégla épület
  • jó állapotú
  • komfortos
  • udvari panoráma
  • gáz konvektoros fűtés
  • belmagasság 3m és 4m között
  • Lift nincs


Azonnal költözhető, 36nm-es, 2 szobás, udvari nézetű lakás!
Az ingatlan az Állatorvosi egyetem mellett található, a szomszéd utcában pedig a Péterfi Sándor utcai korház van.
Igy ha befektetésben gondolkodik akkor is kiváló választás.
A lakás azonnal birtokba vehető, a képeken látható bútorok a vétel ár része.

A ház kívül/belül jó állapotban van. Folyamatosan karban tartva.


Is your child studying to be a vet? Ideal apartment close to the university!

Great opportunity in the neighbourhood of the University of Veterinary Medicine!

We offer for sale a small apartment, ready to move in immediately, and ready to move into at the beginning of the academic year. Living room + galleried bedroom with a great little study area under the gallery. Entering the apartment we are greeted by the kitchen and dining room, at the end of which is the bathroom. Turning to the right we enter the living room, which leads to the galleried bedroom.

I recommend this apartment to parents of young people who are just starting their university years and are not looking for a sublet for their child.
But I also recommend the apartment as an investment. Its an ideal way to keep your money out of the bank. The apartment can be rented out in no time due to its central location.

Not only because of the proximity to the university, the transport is also excellent, the Keleti railway station is just a few minutes walk away, the 74 trolleybus stops near the apartment, but also the 76 and 78 trolleybus stops are nearby, as well as numerous bus options to any point in the city.

The street is not very busy and the apartment overlooks the inner courtyard, so even the little street noise does not filter in.
The house is in good condition inside and out, well maintained and worth investing in.

The apartment is for sale with all the equipment included in the price!!!!

Referencia szám: H488479


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